Ben Mayo Court

Ben Mayo Court in Nottingham provides independent accommodation within a secure, friendly environment for people aged over 55.

Contact us

  • Address: Ben Mayo Court, Leroy Wallace Avenue, Nottingham NG7 3JJ
  • Telephone: 0115 666 6397
  • Email:

How we can help 

We help our residents to maintain their independence and make decisions. Everyone is encouraged to have a say in how the service is managed. 


Ben Mayo Court offers long-term accommodation in 30 self-contained flats, which are suitable for single people or couples. Each flat has a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. 

We have a communal lounge, kitchen and gardens, so that you can choose to socialise with your neighbours when you feel like it. There are laundry facilities, a lift for access and 24/7 telephone support via our Customer Wellbeing team. 

All accommodation is maintained to a high standard, and we're close to local shops and amenities.